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Synod Procedures 

The triennial Convention of General Synod is essentially the AGM of the LCANZ, and proceeds in a very similar way to any AGM.


Book of Reports issued 6 weeks prior to CoGS


  • Minutes from last Synod

  • Business Agenda

  • Reports from Agencies and Commissions etc

  • Proposals contained in Book of Reports


The By Laws attached to the Constitution determine the procedures undertaken at a Convention of General Synod, including the putting of motions and discussion, as well as voting.


Matters of conscience and of doctrine have precedence over other matters such as of organisation. Since 1984, matters of a change in doctrine such as a change in the Theses of Agreement require a 2/3 majority. If this change from a simple majority had not been introduced, Women’s Ordination would have passed on its first vote in 2000!


Motion to reconsider: While not exercised at either of the 2015, 2018 or 2021-23 Synods following the vote on the matter of Women’s Ordination, the By Laws do permit a matter to be reconsidered if a motion to do so is moved and seconded by those who voted in the majority (see By Law Section 7.3, paragraph 19). If the motion to reconsider is carried the previous vote is thereby cancelled, and the original motion is again before the convention in the form in which it was put to the vote. A matter may be reconsidered only once at the same convention.




Behold, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it?
Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.
ISAIAH 43:19

Advocating for the ordination of women and gender equity in the LCANZ

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