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Make a Donation

Make Donation

Streams in the Desert Community relies solely on volunteers who donate their time and resources willingly to raise awareness and support for the ordination of women & gender equity at all levels in our church.


Our ongoing costs are primarily around maintaining the website, promotion, and administration. 


Streams in the Desert Community is a registered business in Australia (ABN: 20 605 287 475). It is an unincorporated entity and donations are not tax deductible.


If you would like to support this work financially, we would very much appreciate any donation you feel able to make. All gifts, no matter how small, are welcome!


Donations can be made via Internet banking, Credit Card, PayPal or direct deposit into our account:


Account name: Streams in the Desert Community  

Bank: NAB (Edwardstown SA Branch)

BSB: 085183

Account: 417943792


If you would like a receipt, simply send an email to [email protected] with your name and the deposit/transfer details, and we will forward one to you.


Thanks for helping us with this work!

Support Training

Support Women to study at ALC

​There are a few ways that you can ensure the money you donate or the funds raised
go to supporting women to be trained.


1. You can make a donation to SDC and specify that it is to assist with covering the costs for training women. SDC will then distribute the funds accordingly. Watch this space!


2. SDC has established an arrangement with ALC whereby it can transfer funds directly from the SDC bank account into the Margaret Pech Memorial Scholarship Fund.  See above to transfer funds to SDC and state it is for the Margaret Pech Memorial Scholarship Fund.


3. ALC can also take donations for a specific purpose so if you have the funds, they can ensure it goes to the purpose you specify. Click HERE for more information. If you do this to support training women, can you also please advise SDC by emailing [email protected]  so we can hold ALC to account.




Behold, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it?
Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.
ISAIAH 43:19

Advocating for the ordination of women and gender equity in the LCANZ

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