Good Reads
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Book Reviews
Recommended Readings
Submitted by SDC Member (and retired Pastor) David J Christian
I draw your attention to some books I’ve read and found helpful in forming my views on why women can be pastors. I’ve also read many books with one chapter on the issue, or short books dealing with one or two issues, and of course all the LCANZ Synod papers and presentations, and discussions.
Note: Because I name these books does not mean I hold to everything in them.
Above all I hold to the Bible, but always as read in its proper historical context, as much as we are able to discover that. Passages like 1 Cor 14, and 1 Tim. 2 must be read in the context of Paul’s words in the rest of those books, and in the rest of his writings. They must also be read in the context of what was happening in Corinth and Ephesus at that time. Having been to both places and being introduced to the context of the first century, by a theologian, was a great help. Also through reading how God has and is using women on the mission field, and going into the church in Vietnam and seeing women at work, has opened my eyes.
More Scholarly
“The Message of Women” Creation, Grace and Gender. Derek and Dianne Tidball.
“Beyond Sex Roles.” What the Bible says about a woman’s place in church and family. Gilbert Bilezikian.
“Women of Destiny.” Fulfilling God’s Call in your Life. Cindy Jacobs.
“Women in the Church’s Ministry.” R. T. France.
“Ordination of Women.” Interdenominational Perspectives. Cathy Thomson, Vic Pfitzner.
Less Scholarly
“The Blue Parakeet.” Scot McKnight.
“Why not Women?” Loren Cunningham and David Joel Hamilton (amended).
“Women: God’s Secret Agent.” Ed Silvoso.
“Powerful and Free.” Danny Silk.
“Fashioned to Reign.” Kris Vallotton.
Historical Place of Women in Society and Church
“The Making of Biblical Womanhood.”
Beth Allison Barr
“Women and Men after Christendom.” Fran Porter
“When Women Were Priests.” Karen Jo Torjessen
If you read one of these books, please write a short review so we can share with other SDC members.
See above for more information on how to submit a review.