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Image by Denis Volkov

 Advocating for the ordination of women and gender equity in the LCANZ  

Outcome of General Synod 2024

For many decades the matter of women's ordination has been discussed and voted on at General Synod.

To enable this change to occur, the vote required a minimum of 2/3 of registered delegates to vote for the proposal. This threshold had not been achieved in any General Synods to date.


On Saturday 5 October 2024

in a vote taken at General Synod 2024 at Concordia College in Adelaide, SA ,

71.35% of the delegates voted in favour


of the ordination of women in the LCANZ.


This outcome was achieved by adoption of the Way Forward Framework proposal which was amended on advice from the General Pastors Conference to remove Theses of Agreement VI:11.


To read the official LCANZ announcement click HERE

We praise God for this outcome that many of our members have longed for and worked hard to achieve.

As we navigate through this time of change, we are mindful of the pastoral care that is needed for all congregations, pastors, members and leaders of our church.


Please prayerfully support those around you in your communities, and pray for unifying love in Christ.

All the Latest


We seek to honour and support 

the contributions of women

to the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

To do this, we are working to bring about 

gender-inclusive doctrine and practice 

at all levels of the LCANZ

including the ordination of women

who are called by the Holy Spirit to serve in this way

Our Aim:

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Please note: If you are seeking to connect with us to argue against the ordination of women there will be no response. There are places and ways to engage in that discussion elsewhere.

© Streams in the Desert Community | 2024

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